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Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Jan 20, 20222 min read
Multiple Sclerosis
Overview: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). In MS, the...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Jan 7, 20222 min read
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Overview: High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is blood pressure that is higher than normal. Your blood pressure changes...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Nov 19, 20216 min read
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Lupus)
Overview: People with lupus develop autoimmune antibodies that can attach to tissues throughout the body. The joints, lungs, blood cells,...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Nov 12, 20213 min read
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Overview: The immune system produces antibodies that attach to the linings of joints. Immune system cells then attack the joints, causing...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Oct 26, 20213 min read
Work Stress Overload and Acupuncture Benefits!
Acupuncture can increase your chances of workplace success and offers many benefits to boost your productivity. Acupuncture may also...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Oct 8, 20212 min read
Scared of Needles? You are not alone!
For many, needles are not our friend! Trypanophobia is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles....

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Oct 5, 20213 min read
What About Cupping?
Many people became curious about cupping therapy after seeing the red round marks on Olympic athletes like Michael Phelps during the...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Oct 1, 20213 min read
Acupuncture Benefits for Seniors
The Baby Boomer population is starting to reach retirement age, and many suffer from chronic health issues. The preventative medicine...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Sep 23, 20212 min read
Acupuncture Can Boost Your Immune System
I'm not sure there are many things more important than having a healthy immune system, no matter what time of year it is. With our...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Sep 2, 20212 min read
Healing Benefits Of Acupuncture In Addiction Recovery
Acupuncture treatment for addiction addresses whole body healing with modalities that treat both the mind and body. The holistic...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Aug 20, 20215 min read
Are You Tired, Stressed, Hot, Irritable...Perimenopause Might Be the Culprit!
Perimenopause, "around menopause," affects many women during the time leading up to menopause. You may still be having periods, but the...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Aug 11, 20212 min read
How a massage can inhibit your ability to get pregnant.
Stress and Fertility are often mentioned in the same sentence when talking about issues regarding infertility. And massages are often...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Aug 4, 20214 min read
The age-old question, "Can I get pregnant when I'm on my period?"
The short answer is it's unlikely, but not impossible. You're fertile on the days leading up to and around the time of ovulation, so it's...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Jul 30, 20213 min read
Low Ovarian Reserve & Fertility Acupuncture
Low Ovarian Reserve results when there is an insufficient number of viable eggs (poor egg quality) in the ovaries to get pregnant. ...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Jun 29, 20214 min read
When Counting Sheep Leaves You Sleepless
Sleep can be one of life’s greatest pleasures or one of its biggest frustrations. According to the American Sleep Association, most...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Jun 21, 20212 min read
Your Thyroid on Acupuncture
Using acupuncture and Chinese medicine for thyroid disorders is not a new idea. Lab tests for thyroid only go back a few decades, but...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Jun 10, 20213 min read
A woman is BORN with all the eggs she will ever have!
Did you know that? You are born with all the eggs you will ever have? The ovaries are two small organs, about the size of your thumb,...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Apr 20, 20213 min read
What is the N.A.D.A Protocol?
N.A.D.A. – National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Let us begin by establishing that detoxification applies to more than just...

Gulf Coast Acupuncture and Fertility
Jan 13, 20212 min read
Acupuncture as a Non-Narcotic Pain Relief
Pharmaceutical pain relief comes with its own hazards such as high cost, potential abuse, and compromise in our ability to be fully aware
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